Most Admininistation
Thank you admins for your replays, i abrisiate that you taken your time to right all of this.

Yes there are some bans which are ovbius and should be there but the reason was that i was unsure about scamming means and so on and so fourth.

Some of these abns dont give out the full report and could be mistaken

But... lets start with randomly stelling cars, if your a Citizen, you could becaume a burgler with out actuly changing job, people will often on the server miss use that like Secret agent, people will use it against you and dont do it for RP. But i do agree that if you are anyother role exept raiding role problebly then it should be allowed.

Also, the ban times, yes its diffrent if racists add more detph and might get more ban time but really? 5 month does the exact oposite then what you want them to realise! they will probebly forget about why and how and do it over again. And i see good server admins having common sence so yes i do know what i am talking about

Also, your forum admins responces, this is only from my experiance but one time the latist one i got banned and sended a unban request or a shortend time. He didnt let me explane just basecly said: i have a video, i dont simply care about your comments or at lest thats how it felt like when he did that. Videos are NOT full evidance but can give alot, you need to ask the man who did it aswell so you get the full Picture and for those who does it are just d****.

Please i really would like to talk via some kind of microfone based. My name on steam is: mg_sw and on skype: daeiea

(06-04-2013, 01:48 PM)Verenikin Wrote:
(06-03-2013, 06:00 PM)daeiea Wrote: Most wrongly banned people are "Random Theft" which btw cannot be random because you are a burgler, you dont care what car you steal. In general about "Ridiculous ban times" are just amazingly bad! Most bans should be less then a week!

This is what the police call Vandata! (it is used for when police abuse there powers to there own personal use)

What the actual f...?

Firstly, its "burglar". Now, if you had bothered TO ACTUALLY READ THE FEARLESS RULES, you would have known that "burglar" RP (at least if it involves randomly stealing cars) is **NOT** allowed. Not to mention that you DO NOT in ANY WAY get to decide how long bans should be.

Now, to the second part, there's NO such thing as "vandata".

There's something called "Vendetta". Let me (or Wikipedia) explain that to you:

Wikipedia Wrote:A feud /ˈfjuːd/, referred to in more extreme cases as a blood feud, vendetta, faida, beef, or private war, is a long-running argument or fight, often between social groups of people, especially families or clans. Feuds begin because one party (correctly or incorrectly) perceives itself to have been attacked, insulted or wronged by another. Intense feelings of resentment trigger the initial retribution, which causes the other party to feel equally aggrieved and vengeful. The dispute is subsequently fuelled by a long-running cycle of retaliatory violence. This continual cycle of provocation and retaliation makes it extremely difficult to end the feud peacefully.

It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with police abusing their powers for personal gain.

Please get your facts straight before you start rambling off some kind of bullshit which makes no absolute sense to anyone but YOU.

Yes tahts true but in the polcie, its often used as persenal revenge or something like that

I try to change that rule because that is not cityRP in anyway, if you live in a city, you probly know that people steal cars. And no, i didnt know about the burglery RP isnt alowed but who ever made that is an idiot :/

And the thing about its not vandatta but vendetta, dont be a grammer Hitler

plus dont be fucking disrespecfull you son of a bitch!

Messages In This Thread
Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-03-2013, 06:00 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by GeorgeTheBoy - 06-03-2013, 06:11 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by DoomDude1 - 06-03-2013, 06:21 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Narc - 06-03-2013, 06:32 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Killjoy - 06-03-2013, 07:59 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-04-2013, 04:59 AM
RE: Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-04-2013, 12:06 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-04-2013, 12:55 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Killjoy - 06-04-2013, 01:06 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Enzyme - 06-04-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Verenikin - 06-04-2013, 01:48 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by ArcHammer - 06-04-2013, 02:00 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by tyyy1997 - 06-04-2013, 02:19 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-04-2013, 03:29 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Narc - 06-04-2013, 03:39 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-04-2013, 03:40 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Narc - 06-04-2013, 03:43 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by daeiea - 06-04-2013, 04:12 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-04-2013, 04:33 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by LoneWolf - 06-04-2013, 04:52 PM
RE: Most Admininistation - by Adman - 06-04-2013, 05:16 PM

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