Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013
(05-29-2013, 03:15 AM)Rolorox Wrote: Really? Really? He RDM'd? First of all it was a global RP event. If you didn't want to participate you could have left. He said that.

He told them to bring up on person to which a man came up and willingly wanted to RP in this situation as a sacrifice. It was not just an execution, it was totally RP'd as Vauld asked him questions and he went along with it, his own choice.

After killing him we then had someone yell out something along the lines of "This president sucks" to which Vauld ordered him up to be executed as a lesson.

Following this Vauld said kill the rest of them (This was roleplay) This was followed by a radio message saying "Don't actually kill them, just scare them off" Because he wanted you to leave the city to not die.

Myself as a security guard heard this radio message from proximity so I suppose many did as well. I was not right next to him.

We then preceded to shoot in the air and at peoples feet and well despite the fact that many people broke fear RP and sat there, other than a few officers who did not listen to Vauld's radio we didn't shoot a single person. Just around them.

We then went up and he continuously gave warnings to leave, never telling his cops or SRU to kill anyone who stayed. (why would they? The gas would do that).

So despite the amount of people who failRP'd Vauld kept going. We all put on gas masks and the 4 of us walked down as all the SRU died around us, so they couldn't have been doing anything.

You cannot blame Vauld for what the police officers did because we were RPing and they were told to leave, we had no clue till the shooting you guys did that there was a barricade there and killing going on.

Vauld then did say in broadcast he was ending his own reign as president. To where he jumped on a rusted car and pulled of his gas mask, myself and 3 others followed. As well as many people around us (who should have already been dead -_-) truthfully the amount of people that properly RP'd this was very low. With people stepping on dead bodies and then as you all started to shoot at us and (yes some of us were hit other than the president) It was really ruining the RP.

You had no reason to shoot us and we were Roleplaying a big death instead of just going "well hopefully the president gets raided". If any of you truly RP'd you would know this.

What you really need to do (despite dumb cops) was realize your choices were not with intention to improve the RP and your choices inevitably made it worse. A revolution was not neccessary, the gas was killing everyone and then cleared up. You didn't RP a Toxic Deadly Gas outbreak. You just saw it as any other dictatorship which it was far from.

If the cops were shooting at people who entered you should have told Vauld instead of taking it into your own hands. At no point ever were they given an order to do so.

How is it that we should know that vauld did not give the order to block off the tunnel? It seemed fitting since the whole city was being gassed.
Also the cops were shooting at civilians NOT us!
We were not ruining the RP we were simply trying to get rid of a blockade that was there to let citizens out of the city safely, then we saw the president walk near the tunnel so the rebel leader decided we should take the shot.
That seemed fine.
And about the radio message , He sent out a radio message? Well not everyone can see/hear that, When he broadcasts kill them all, For us it looks like Kill them all.
We couldnt see what you could see cause we were not with the president.
Also we didnt just want to raid the president cause we knew there was gas in the city, so that would have been stupid, all we wanted to do was clear the barricade as i said earlier, again we could not have known that it wasnt vaulds order, and even if it wasnt, blame the cops not the rebels for responding to this.
All in all i really dont understand how we were ruining the RP when the whole police force including SRU, Was blocking off the tunnel not letting anyone in or out, and using lethal force to do so.
Vauld, I honestly think you got mixed up with the cops and the rebels shooting at eachother at once, and maybe there was some crossfire, I dont know. But we certainly did NOT shoot civilians on purpose.
The cops did.
And we all realise it was RP, we do, But in the spirit of RP , would in real life there not be protests, killings, rebellions, When a president would do this, I think there would be.
And i think that "freeing" and clearing the tunnel so innocents could get out in time, would have been an improvement for the RP... cause it gave people another choice then just stand there and watch, or run, Now they had someone to run to.
Saying we took matters in our own hands, Might be correct but only cause we thought it was part of the rp, none of us knew that vauld did not give this order.

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RE: Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013 - by Oneshott - 05-29-2013, 10:28 AM

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