Ban Request - Criffen & Vanille (President RDM)
We did try to explain you in the OOC chat afterwards why we did it, but okay I will repeat it here, your SRU Commander/Sergeant, continuously tazed me, woke me up, tazed me, woke me up, and you seemed to be the one ordering it.. Now I do not have it on tape but it can be found in the logs, the SRU was Sanik, now I am trying to blame it all on him, but we only killed you to get our vengeance this was a standard raid nothing but that..

Oh and the ''gibberish, typical minge speak'' Was actually me tryna RP as a mentally challenged person, I even tried talking sense to you about lowering the taxes so I could afford my medicine, now when your SRU started tasing me, I cried out as I would in real life because ''Dat shit hurts''

Anyways, what we did was completely justified, (According to server rules that is, ofcourse it is illegal in game) So I do not see what we did wrong there

And your pictures, no we did not tranq you, I do not know who did it but we didn't, you didn't even get the person who actually shot you? And as a last addition, you said it was 2 doctors who molotoved you, how could it be us? You can clearly in the video see that I am a civilian..

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RE: Ban Request - Criffen & Vanille (President RDM) - by Criffen - 05-17-2013, 12:41 PM

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