I am experiencing technical difficulty with your servers
This sounds and looks like the exact same thing as I was having My thread but I read Wood Chopper's Post Wood's Post on what to do, and mow it works perfectly, and it only took like 30 mins. I'm going to put the instruction here but don't give me any credit, Wood was the one who figured it out.

Quote:Hello! If you would like to go to this site:

If you go to the Garrysmod content area then find CSS Game Content. Pick what file service you want to download it from. After you have done that extract the folder with the materials, sounds and other in to Garrysmod Addons. DO NOT extract the folders like Materials and sounds and the other folders. Just get the main folder out. The ReadME in the download will explain this. Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
RE: I am experiencing technical difficulty with your servers - by Stealther - 05-10-2013, 02:31 PM

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