[Unofficial] [PAS] [FFD] Fearless Fire Department

Fearless Fire Department is the government agency assigned to protect and serve the citizens of Evo-City. Fearless Fire Department has highly trained Firefighters and Paramedics with the latest in life saving technology at their disposal. Faster response times, better treatment, and top-notch tactics keeps FFD's finest men and women prepared for all eventualities.

Jack Harkness

Assistant Chief

Battalion Chief


  • Chief Tag: [C | FFD]
    Head of the Fire Department, the Chief is responsible for all executive decisions and operations. In charge of the budget the Chief decides which money goes where to fund vehicles and equipment. Also the Chief is the public face of the Fire Department. Supervise, regulate, and management of the entire department as well as personnel activities is all upon the Chief's shoulders. The Chief, from time to time, gives technical assistance to the President and their staff.
  • Assistant Chief Tag: [AC | FFD]
    The Assistant Chief's primary role is to assist the Chief in the more common operations of the department. Development, implement, and administer is the Assistant Chief's tasks. When the Chief is absent the Assistant Chief shall do most of the tasks.
  • Battalion Chief Tag: [BC | FFD]
    The Battalion Chief is responsible for all lower officers within the Fire Department. Having several Battalion Chief in charge of his own battalion ensures that there are always personnel on station. Regulating payroll, assignments, planning training events, and ensuring that the officers are doing their job. The Battalion Chief also promotes lower officers into higher officer ranks, bestowing more authority and responsibility unto that officer.
  • Captain Tag: [CT | FFD]
    Captains operate the more advanced fire-rescue equipment. Being more knowledgeable about tactics used in more severe hostile situation it is the Captain's duty to ensure the safety and proper execution during emergencies. The Captain does not really run into the burning buildings, but instead takes an over-watch and orders commands to his Lieutenants and Fire-Medics. When not on call the Captain is also the Dispatcher for the Fire Department.
  • Lieutenant Tag: [LT | FFD]
    The Lieutenant is the officer responsible for training Fire-Medics. Not only does the Lieutenant teach Fire-Medics how to use their equipment, he also sets up training exercises such as burning cars or buildings to teach Fire-Medics the proper procedure to save lives. The Lieutenant is also in charge of vehicles, or sets of vehicles. The Lieutenant conducts a small group of Fire-Medics under orders of the Captain. In absence of the Captain, the Lieutenant is "Acting Captain" and assumes the commanding roll of the situation.
  • Fire-Medic Tag: [FM | FFD]
    The Fire-Medic is the foot soldier of the Fire Department. Consisting of Paramedics and Firefighters, Fire-Medics are both trained in emergency medical services as well as in fire fighting techniques. Fire-Medics drive and operate common vehicles and equipment such as Fire Engines, Ambulances, Fire Extinguishers, etc. There are Certifications within the Fire-Medic rank that are awarded to Fire-Medics that show their knowledge of equipment and tactics withing the Fire Department.

Fire Extinguisher
A fire extinguisher is a device used to extinguish or control small fires, in emergency situations. Within the fire extinguisher there is compressed air with foam. As the trigger is pulled the compressed air pushes out pulling the foam with it. This foam covers the fire and prevents oxygen from reaching the flame, thus extinguishing it.

Fire Axe
Constructed from steal and wood, a fire axe is used to break in doors quickly and safety. One side is a normal cutting edge and the other is a pick-shaped poll used for making small entry holes or breaking windows. Painted in red and yellow, these colors make it easy to see in an emergency.

Medic Kit
The heath kit is a medic's best friend. Containing a variety of chemicals and materials used for any possible situation from a minor cut to severe trauma. Easily portable the medic kit is a white with a red cross on it indicating heath, and the air tight container is neon green to easily be seen at night, containing most things a medic might need.

Common Vehicles

Fire Engine
A fire engine is a vehicle used by the Fire department that specializes in carrying crew, equipment, and foam water. The crew cab has room for several people and the many cabinets allow the truck to carry a large variety of equipment. The fire engine also has a large tank and pump built on that allows firefighters to combat large fires. The fire engine is painted in red to be easily identified and also has flashing lights and sirens to be seen and herd when responding to an emergency.

An ambulance is a vehicle used by paramedics to transport crew, equipment, and sick/injured people. Having a large roomy box area at the back allows for the paramedics to stabilize and transport the patient. Some of the equipment on board the ambulance are: Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Bandages, Splits, and a variety of Medication.

Interested in Joining?

To apply for the Fearless Fire Department all you must do is make a reply to this post and fill out the following application:

[b][u]Steam Name:[/u][/b]
[b][u]In-Game Name:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Steam ID:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Hours on Server:[/u][/b]
[b][u]RP Points:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Do you know how to RP? Y/N:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Are you willing to do training? Y/N:[/u][/b]
[b][u]What rank promotes all lower officers?:[/u][/b]
[b][u]What launches foam out of a fire extinguisher?:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Character Bio:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Reason to Join:[/u][/b]

[b][u]Suggestion to improve FFD:[/u][/b]

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] [PAS] [FFD] Fearless Fire Department - by JackHarkness - 04-17-2013, 04:33 AM

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