IM taking a stand and i dont give any craps if you deny
im done donating for all you admins, im done playing on your server, im done with you guys banning me when i do you a favor. WHAT do you think you are? some gods that can be dicks to all the other players? you guys jump to conclusions and assualt everyone in black mailing people in a way NO ONE EVER SAID. you guys will say im lieng and im saying I AM FUCKING NOT. dont even try to close this post i want all of you to think about this and lets all fricken sort this out becuase you ALL are being jerks to everyone wanting to have fun on the server when you randomly ban people. Angry i am done with you guys saying thansk for donating then banning people afterwards or lie to ban someone like on fridays and ban them for days and months. IM DONE WITH ALL OF U! you people think your the stuff of this whole server and you dont even give any credit to the people that make this happen for you. YOU SHOULD EVEN CARE IF IM PLAYING ON THE SERVER BECUASE EVERY BIT COUNTS. BAN ME FOR YEARS ON THIS OR WHATEVER. BUT MY POINT STANDS AND YOU WILL NEVER MAKE ME FEEL BAD FOR WHAT I SAY NOW. Im done! im fucking done with all your bull and crap. you think about who you peopel are becuase you are not any major company. if it wasnt for me and all those others who left this game YOU STILL WOULDNT CARE ANYWAY. i think you should care. you people are sick. you sick admins and people with power on this. Havent you ever been an member of playing this game? my point stands. peace-...
I ran out of ink again...

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IM taking a stand and i dont give any craps if you deny - by Inkkii - 04-13-2013, 12:03 AM

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