Who is the person in your life that you can trust the most?
Who do you trust the most?

I have decided to create a thread, to see different peoples views, on who they can truly trust the most.

If i was to pick a person, who i trusted the most, it would probably be my father.

This is probably because he has been there for me the entire length of my life, and has not left me a single step of the way. Him and my mother, have alot of arguments, but through it all he stays, as he doesn't want to leave his children.

Through my issues, and troubles that i have had through the last years, he has always been there to help me out, and i am glad that he has been out there for me.

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Who is the person in your life that you can trust the most? - by Commander Fi5h - 04-12-2013, 09:43 PM

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