Unban request, "homophobia"
Your name: Frostbite~

Your ban ID: 29564

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: "Homophobia"

Involved: The admin, and some other people where slightly involved but I can't remember their names.

Why we should unban you: Okay. So here's the story. People were gathering around this guy, who was playing music. They started dancing and doing funny stuff. So I started dancing on a person's head, because I thought it was funny. Then suddenly, the admin throws me into the air, resulting in me dying and losing all my stuff. I got a little mad about that, so I said in the ooc chat "Well, that's pretty gay..". This resulted in instant banning for 3 days.

Now, first of all, I did not get warned AT ALL. If I had been, I would've stopped right away. So it's quite unfair to ban me right away, especially for such a long period of time.

Second of all. Homophobia means that you have negative attitude and feelings towards gay people. In this situation, this is NOT true. I simply used the word 'gay', because everyone uses it as a common swearword these days, without implying anything about gay people. I did not do anything negative towards any gay people, and I do not hate on them because of their sexuality. I have nothing against homosexuals.

However, I do apologise for swearing in the ooc chat. I only did it because I was mad about the way the admin dealt with the situation. I meant nothing serious with it.

I hope you consider unbanning me, because I really enjoy playing on your server. And had I been warned properly, I would've stopped with whatever the admin felt was 'not allowed'.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request, "homophobia" - by Frostbite0110 - 04-12-2013, 01:07 AM
RE: Unban request, "homophobia" - by doddi649 - 04-12-2013, 03:16 AM

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