Serbobinwood's questions
1. Since latest update I need to redownload the weapons every time I join. Could you update the workshop content pack or do I have to redownload the pack from the forums?

2. Is there a console command to select a job? E.g. if I were to bind a key to join president - would that be possible?

3.1. Some people argue over if playing music in your store is considered micspam. Is it?

3.2 Is running around with a group of people while one of them is playing music and holding a radio prop allowed?

4. Scenario: Corleone comes to a store and tells the store owner that a competitor has hired Corleone to take down the store. However instead of corleone throwing molotovs at the store, Corleone tells the owner to pay them so they go away.

Would this be allowed?

5. Is stealing a police car and selling them to rebels/corleone so the banned rebels/corleone could sneak into the city a valid reason to steal the car?

6. Scenario: rebel/corleone hostage the president, every officer and ss have been killed so (without breaking NLR) the president has no more reinforcements. (this is probably irrelevant tho)
Can the rebels/corleone demand
A: give us 2k right here.
B: Make guns legal
C: rebels/corleone now own the city. Broadcast that.

I don't think this is allowed, but want to make sure.

7. Scenario: A person has contra in his apartment. A citizen tries to raid the apartment, dies.
Comes back after NLR is off as "Oh I'm still going to do this rp again, I'm going to raid apartments by random order again and end up in his apartment"

Is that allowed?

8.1. No public gun dealing (you can do it in your apartment if officers can't see you).
8.2. No speeding above 50 anywhere. This is to prevent car accidents.
8.3. Not leaving after being asked will get you arrested. Don't cause scenes.
8.4. Holding weapons in public is not allowed. Only exception would be an officer returning fire. Stay safe.
8.5. No corleone or rebels in the nexus lobby at any time. You will be tazed on sight, handcuffed and escorted out.
8.6. Any non-SS using the elevator are considered tresspassers and will be shot on sight. Government would get demoted for not following orders.

Would these laws be allowed?

Messages In This Thread
Serbobinwood's questions - by Serbobinwood - 04-11-2013, 06:00 PM
RE: Serbobinwood's questions - by DoomDude1 - 04-11-2013, 06:21 PM
RE: Serbobinwood's questions - by Serbobinwood - 04-12-2013, 11:35 AM
RE: Serbobinwood's questions - by DoomDude1 - 04-12-2013, 11:36 AM

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