Unban Request
Your name:
ByB | Vauld159

Your SteamID:

Banning Admin:
[FL] Thetimanator

Ban Length:
Aprox. 3 Days.

Reason for the ban:

Why we should unban you:
I should be unbanned because this was a pathetic reason to ban me for 3 days... There was around 1 minute before the server was being restarted and I see an admin (Tim) noclipping around to what appears to be for no reason at all. So I try to get his attention to see why the heck is he noclipping around and the only way I can get a flying person attention is to punch him. So I punch him once and he looks at me. He dragged me to the top of a building and stated "Bro why did you punch me" And I said "Because I needed to talk to you" then I say "Why are you randomly noclipping around the whole map?" he stated "Because I'm doing admin stuff" Tim didnt give me or anyone any warning as to why he was noclipping around and anyways what admin stuff is there to do a minute before a restart, so I say "How was I supposed to know..? You look like your just flinging yourself around the map" I feel even more confident this is happening because theres only 1 minute untill a restart... Then the next thing you know I'm banned, I got banned for punching an admin who was noclipping around the map for no apparent reason, just to get his attention so I could ask what in the world he was doing! I dont think I deserve a 3 day ban for an incident like this, but it really up to you all.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by Vauld159 - 05-07-2011, 09:58 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Timanator - 05-08-2011, 09:21 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Killjoy - 05-08-2011, 10:12 AM

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