My Evening in Fearless (Rant)
As soon as I got off work today, I came home and started playing on Fearless. Normally the disruption is regulated, but this specific evening was not. A very large portion of the players on the server were mindlessly running over people with their cars, shooting others without reason, stealing cars, and anything that could define a 'minge'. Every time I spawned I was either run over, shot or otherwise. I kept using the @ chat command to absolutely no avail. Finally, I had enough and became a police officer.

I tried pulling over cars and stopped individuals from murdering others without purpose. I did everything I could within reasonable RP circumstances to better the city (and the server, while still remaining IC.). There was a certain person that constantly followed me around and would screaming a very high-pitched voice over his microphone. I didn't pay any attention to him until he started running people over. I had him arrested, and there was no prison guard to keep prisoners in jail, so it was pretty pointless. But I wasn't going to shoot him since I would be breaking the unarmed rule.

I maneuvered around the city for quite a while restoring order as best to my ability. Time passed, and I kept getting more and more stressed out. I was pretty much as the brink of leaving for the evening. This specific nuisance mentioned above now had a friend, and they were both trying to run me over in a car and screeching at me as loudly as they could. An SS officer that had been patrolling (Yes, I @'d that too, nothing) and shot the driver of the car trying to continuously run me over, his buddy jumped out and started punching me. I tazered him, and the person that was killed in the vehicle had run back (breaking NLR, like he had a dozen times prior), gotten into his car, and managed to run the SS over. I proceeded to use deadly force on the driver, killing him. I cuffed the tazed body, and then decided it was time for me to leave before my mental state would drive me over the edge. BEFORE LEAVING I decided to break a rule, a single rule, and kill the man I tazed and cuffed. After being tormented by this individual for hours, I decided to kill him. Just once. Admins not responding to @ calls all night. 2-3 admins not responding to any @ calls. At all.

After killing this one person and leaving, I was banned. All night, I was doing my very best to not break any rules. And then I break one rule. I didn't receive any help from admins at all, all night. But then the one rule I break, only one all night, I get banned for it. I understand the ban, although I don't agree with it, but this was the way I wanted to blow off steam. Sorry for the lame thread, breaking rules is breaking rules. I just really hate to have another ban added to my record.
[Image: sometime.png]
The following 4 users Like Friday's post:
  • Nevy, darkstar560, Victorinox, buffalobagingi

Messages In This Thread
My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Friday - 04-09-2013, 02:59 AM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Nevy - 04-09-2013, 03:08 AM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Daejaa - 04-09-2013, 03:25 AM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Friday - 04-09-2013, 12:28 PM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Haarek - 04-09-2013, 01:21 PM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Jamie - 04-09-2013, 05:13 PM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Friday - 04-09-2013, 06:42 PM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Victorinox - 04-09-2013, 06:50 PM
RE: My Evening in Fearless (Rant) - by Jamie - 04-09-2013, 07:44 PM

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