Playing music for people micspam?
This incident occurred the other day on the server which left me unsure about whether it is acceptable to play music over the mic. So anyway, I stumbled upon someone doing a Game Stop rp so i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to play some music for the store. As I began to play the music the owner of the store gave me immediate praise and complemented my music so i continued playing it. Eventually I started getting a few listeners/spectators as well as people making requests for songs and as this was happening an admin ([FL] Fultzy) teleported to me telling me he had 2 reports of micspam and wants me to stop playing the music. I obviously complied although somewhat reluctantly as it seemed quite obvious it wasnt bothering anyone in the store (I had 2 people dancing next to me and the owner of the store was clearly enjoying my music). This event begs the question, is it micspam to be playing music over the mic for people who are clearly enjoying it or was the admin just a bit out of line? I am just somewhat confused as I find no rules regarding use of the mic to play music which I was doing in the manner of being for instance I street performer.

Messages In This Thread
Playing music for people micspam? - by thegunner3 - 04-05-2013, 06:54 PM
RE: Playing music for people micspam? - by Narc - 04-05-2013, 07:13 PM

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