Unban Request Darkyoshi
Your name: Darkyoshi

Your ban ID: 26297

Banned by: Narcotic

Reason: Breaking NLR (apparently)

Involved: Narcotic and some other that i cant remember the name of.

Why we should unban you: Because im playing fair, and i did not break NLR, my timer did show 6minutes, and when i came back to where i died to pick up my car narcotic turned around to me and just banned me for breaking NLR. Is the NLR time increased and still says 5minutes in the box thingy or is it just me?. I think this is realy unfair to ban someone after the NLR time has passed, pissing me off too because i love the servers.

So what happend is: I were an SS and i was guarding the president, and im not sure how it started but someone started shooting so i went outside to help the other SS, and i got killed ofc, i respawned and was running around in the city helping the local Police, and i saw my timer on 5minutes so i thought "im gonna find someone that can give me a ride to the place i died" and yea i found someone, took like 30 seconds to get there, and when i got there my timer was at 6 minutes went over to see what was happening since the coleone was outside the president house, and narcotic turned around and said "what are you doing here? and then i got banned for breaking NLR apparently. so i dont know why, maybe he should see who he kills and maybe take the time so he atleast knows when he may be back, or maybe see what the NAME of the person that died is before he ban them for no reason (like this ban) randomly banned for breaking NLR when i did not break NLR.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request Darkyoshi - by Darkyoshi - 03-04-2013, 03:13 PM
RE: Unban Request Darkyoshi - by Narc - 03-04-2013, 04:19 PM

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