John's Unban Request
Your name:
[AWP]Jew Hanger 凸(¬‿¬)凸

Your ban ID:

Banned by:
[FL] Narcotic

"Running around burning people with props"


Why we should unban you:
I was not banned for the correct reason. I had actually not set a single person on fire, and did no harm to anyone, but possibly a fence.

My recollection of the event was:
Cops have raided my house, while i was stuck behind a door, with no administrator willing to help me (keep in mind, I have not done anything wrong at this point.) I have used @, and ooc (ooc once) to notify an administrator (narcotic) that I was stuck behind a door, and couldn't get out.

I was neglected by the administrators online, and no action was taken to remove me from behind the door. After I used a prop to kill myself (I wasn't going to wait till tomorrow to get unstuck), I went and spawned a prop near the window they set on fire, trying to put it out. When it failed, I took the prop, and hung it on the SS base in rememberence of myself.

The prop was extinguished, so I deleted it, and tried again (this is where I made a mistake) and lagged in the middle of the road, the wooden prop broke. I gave up now, and went to my house to try and block off the burning area. As I was placing the prop down, I was banned for the following message "Go to to learn more about your ban."

I am sorry for my above actions, and I was frustrated after being raided by the police, and the administrators ignoring me. I will better manage my actions in the future on your server. Over all I enjoy playing on the server. and I do not believe that I was majorly disrupting the roleplay on the server.

Messages In This Thread
John's Unban Request - by john55223 - 03-03-2013, 05:09 PM
RE: John's Unban Request - by Narc - 03-03-2013, 05:13 PM

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