[WARNING] Horrifying Video - Watch at own risk!
(02-28-2013, 07:24 AM)Jokhah Wrote: I have lived through about enough. Vanilla Ice, goths, emos, furverts, now bronies......I dunno if I'm prepared for what is next.

Acceptable: Goths (Because they MOSTLY keep to them-selves.), Furverts (They also keep to them-selves mostly when it comes to rule 34.)

Not acceptable: Vanilla Ice (F*** no.), Emos (Mostly attention seekers.), Bronies (Debatable, The ones who keep to them-selves and don't talk in a different language, Fine, The ones who spray that shit everywhere deserve to be burnt at the stake.)

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RE: [WARNING] Horrifying Video - Watch at own risk! - by Warior135 - 02-28-2013, 08:13 AM

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