What program are you using to keep your PC Healthy and updated?
I had Bit-Deffender, Got the worst virus ever wich formatted my whole C:\ and now I'm using nothing Cheese
And yeah, I do know I have tons of viruses, but.. LAKAH SAM BOO-DEEEeEeeEE333H!

Windows Deffender detected a TrojanCheeseownloader 2 days ago, but I don't ratherly care anymore..
Who keylogs me has a pretty big trouble with me, since I'm not such an easy victim.
And btw, I'll be re-installing Windows 7 in a while, like the 4th time in 2013 or something, but yeah..
Let the viruses come!! AWW YEAH!

Sincerly, DubpleRW, the Virus-Infected maniac.

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RE: What program are you using to keep your PC Healthy and updated? - by DubpleRW - 02-26-2013, 10:47 PM

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