Banned for prop climbing?!
(My name) [FL:RP] SimpleBeings

(My ban ID) 23556

(Banned by) [FL] Narcotic

(Reason) Prop climbing

(Involved) there were no other people involved except me and the admin.

(Why you should unban me) I was banned because apparantly i prop climbed into a walled off area but with this evedence you will see that i didn't use any props to get in the area, if your wondering why i jumped into the area its because the people in the building for what ever reason wanted me dead, so i took the lift to escape and jumped on to the ledge and into the blocked off place (i thought it would lead to the exit) please leave any questions as replys

yours sincerely simplebeings

Messages In This Thread
Banned for prop climbing?! - by SimpleBeings - 02-05-2013, 05:30 PM
RE: Banned for prop climbing?! - by Narc - 02-05-2013, 06:27 PM

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