A question for the mod: Famwruadwolr.
Today the player/moderator named as Famwruadwolr banned 2 people, for seemingly no reason. I then asked why they were banned in pm to which I did not receive a response.
This is not an unban request but merely a question, I know that mods/admins/anyone don't *HAVE* to respond to you, but I felt he was trying to avoid the question that I asked. I would like to know why they were banned as it made no sense to me, as both player banned were with me (and quite a few others people) the whole time.

The reason they were banned was for "Encouraging aggressive RP" Why? Neither of them had weapons, nor were they calling people names or anything aggressive. The one aggressive thing that happened was a raid earlier on the president, which ultimately failed resulting in our deaths so we then left it. (NLR and such) Fultzy was there and it was ok, he teleported to us once during the raid because the cops kept breaking NLR to warn the police.

At what point did the two players promote aggressive RP?
And why were they not warned beforehand of being banned?
Why did you not tell the two players that they did wrong and then ban them?

IF you could answer this, that would be very helpful as I am very confused on this matter and would like some explanation.
Lead by example.

Messages In This Thread
A question for the mod: Famwruadwolr. - by Al sevenfold - 01-08-2013, 12:12 AM

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