[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
*An Email is sent to the leadership of the clan*

To: GB Underground Leadership

Title: Alliance System

Goodevening GB underground, Our organisation has recently surfaced into society. And we have the necessary resources to open an alliance system. The organisation has taken notice of your activities are we are impressed by it. We would like to formally invite you to be the first member of E.M.I.T's alliance system. In this alliance, we would send our men on missions together, hopefully achieving a better result. However, if you wish to decline the invitation, i hope we will stay at peace. Thank you.

-The E.M.I.T Office

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by Ne0ster - 12-21-2012, 08:50 PM

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