[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
IC Information

What is your name?
I've changed it a few times recently.
Currently it is John Kelly.
It used to be Ian McKenzie.
What is your age?
What is your desire in the family, and what rank would you like to apply for?
I would like to apply for a role in the MO department. My desire in the family is to have fun with creating revenue generating businesses and at the same time hopefully make piles of cash.
Tell us something about yourself!
I don't have many guns, I like to build, and I enjoy passive rp.
OOC Information

How many bans have you got on the server?
How many hours have you got on the server?
What's the amount of RP Points that you have?

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by Teh Time Rider - 12-20-2012, 10:35 PM

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