My self-appointed no sleep challenge.
Day 2 (18/12/2012 8am - 18/12/2012 11:22pm): Began having some minor hallucinations, one incident involved me believing a spider had dropped down on a web in front of my face while I was making use of the toilet, but when I looked again, nothing was there. I also noticed black dots appearing then disappearing when I go to look at them. I also suffered paranoia when walking through the dark hallway to get to my room. My eyes are not sore, but uncomfortable and I can feel myself nodding off. Have decided to call it quits for now and maybe try again in the near future. - First attempt, stayed awake for 39 hours 22 minutes. (needs improvement).

Messages In This Thread
RE: My self-appointed no sleep challenge. - by Jamie - 12-18-2012, 12:19 PM
RE: My self-appointed no sleep challenge. - by trouserlessliam - 12-18-2012, 11:26 PM

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