Some things need to be done, goodbye.
Well, how can I say this?

Garry's Mod is sucking away my life, the only thing I think about is this game. When I come home I don't start with my homework but I start my computer. I'm addicted to this game.

So, I contacted Steam Support and asked them to completely terminate my access to Garry's Mod, and undo my subscription. This was a really hard decision to make, but I think it's the best I can do to make my life a bit more normal.

I wish getting to be big here in this community, getting into the high ranks, donating and make a lot of friends here.

Well, goodbye. I hope this community will continue it's fabulous existence and keep on giving good shelter to all those wandering GModders.

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Some things need to be done, goodbye. - by Victorinox - 12-10-2012, 06:30 PM

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