Of all the RP servers I choose to rejoin...
I pick the one with abusive admins, shit players who REVEL in RDMing for no reason, and with people who can't RP worth a toss.

I get RDMED by an NLR, for what, the eighth time today? On my way back to the scene of the crime, I get stopped by a police officer. I tell him that I'm on the way back to the scene to discuss things with the people there, he goes 'lolz i r stoopid y u r rebel lolz plz leave city huuurr' I try and explain again, he tranqs me, then fucking arrests me.

Suitably enraged by this, I use capitals to fully display how pissed off I was.


After a period of deliberation (0.1 seconds. ) they ban me for two hours for no reason.

Now, I haven't played since before the server moved to a new IP, and upon deciding to rejoin, here was me thinking that things may have got better, fairer, and more fun.

I am very, very disappointed. In fact, I have the most fun when the admins aren't playing. Nobody gets banned, and hm, to be honest, nobody actually RDMs much.

The admins get on, everything dissolves into RDMing, NLRing, and banning. Oh Fearless, I have missed you.

Now, lets think very seriously about this. You could have muted me. That would have been fine too. It's just I don't see what the FUCK the admins of fearless are doing banning left right and center. I've been a co-owner and superadmin of a build server for around six months now. In my entire time there, I have never, EVER banned anyone.

Maybe it's because I'm not as easily rattled as some of you uptight people are. I sure wish I ran Fearless, I'm pretty sure the ban rate would drop from, what, thirty a day? Down to practically nothing.

Messages In This Thread
Of all the RP servers I choose to rejoin... - by Lazers - 02-12-2011, 02:15 PM

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