[Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation [CLOSED]
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Red Orchestra

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53794936

How many hours do you have on the servers?: Over 300

Real Age: 16

How many bans do you have?: 10, Apologize for my last ban . i have raided someone with contra as chauffeur . i forgot to change job . Sad

And i am Damn good at listening . tell me what to and i'll do it ! No questions. if you don't think so try me out . i will do my best just to join this clan .

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

First Name: Adelmo

Surname: Concetta

Age: 19

Nationality: Male

Date of Birth: 1994-10-30

Address: Currently None

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Umbrella Corporation?: Because the developer system and protection . A lot more

Why should Umbrella Corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: To make my life easier .

What division are you applying for?: It will be Good applying for Security .

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes I do have , I am great At shooting things for 7 and half years . I can hold The recoil of the Gun which is make it easy to shoot the Target . And i will like to train my self for This job . Thank you

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation - by Red Orchestra - 12-03-2012, 10:40 AM

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