Ban Request - Sonic, iamfahren, Monsoon, Sammy
I was never in a firetruck.. I shot the fireman for attempting to kill us and the cop I never saw, but it wasn't us prop pushing it was the fireman breaking nlr I believe. When contraband prints it makes a noise which is easily identified when you've used it a few times before. None of the 4 of us did any prop surfing / climbing as we walked in and out of the gate. The only people I saw prop climbing where the don, (you) and one other corleone member. I don't see why everyone is minging about this.. It's good role play and perfectly legitimate, the vehicle that you claimed you did not steal was in there in the end. You never always win, you win some you loose some.

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RE: Ban Request - Sonic, iamfahren, Monsoon, Sammy - by Sammy - 11-26-2012, 01:58 AM

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