Happy 5th of November (Guy Fawkes night)
(11-06-2012, 04:06 PM)Equal Wrote: The danish anonymous hackers took down one of the most valueable websites in Denmark to celebrate the 5th of November.

www.cpr.dk Its a website with addresses and Bank Accounts etc.

This is what they wrote.

Spoiler :
Dear citizens of Denmark.

We are Anonymous, and we would like to celebrate the 5th of November with you and let you all know that we are still here and we are still going strong.

We have had a lot of great experiences this year, but we are far from done.

The security in Denmark is a joke, and we do not accept this. Therefore we now show you what we are talking about.

Let the fun begin

Danish Database over all citizens SSN, Addresses, and other priv8 information

available databases [90]:
[*] [cvk_wt1copy]
[*] [Fors�gsprojekter]
[*] [Fors�gsprojekter_wt1copy]
[*] [Metatraffic_IM]
[*] [NL_Letters_Graamappe_wt1coy�!]
[*] [sidestruktur_uk!]
[*] [WebTLF_wt1copy]
[*] [webtop_wt1copy]
[*] [WT?ResyurceDB_wt1copy]
[*] AbonnementsTyper_im_dk
[*] AbonnementsTyper_im_dk_wt1copy
[*] AbonnementsTyper_im_uk_wt1copy
[*] AbonnementsTyper_sum_dk
[*] AbonnementsTyper_sum_dk_wt1copy
[*] AbonnementsTyper_sum_uk
[*] AbonnementsTyper_sum_uk_wt1copy
[*] Abonnenter_im_dk
[*] Abonnenter_im_uk
[*] Abonnenter_sum_dk
[*] Abonnenter_sum_uk
[*] Artikler_im_dk
[*] Artikler_im_dk_wt1copy
[*] artikler_im_uk
[*] artikler_im_um_wt1copy
[*] Artikler_sum_dk
[*] Artikler_sum_dk_wt1copy
[*] artikler_sum_uk
[*] artikler_sum_uk_wt1copy
[*] cpr
[*] cpr_AbonnementsTyper
[*] cpr_AbonnementsTyper_uk
[*] cpr_AbonnementsTyper_uk_wt1copy
[*] cpr_AbonnementsTyper_wt1copy
[*] cpr_Abonnenter
[*] cpr_Abonnenter_uk
[*] cpr_artikler
[*] cpr_artikler_uk
[*] cpr_artikler_uk_wt1copy
[*] cpr_artikler_wt1copy
[*] cpr_sidestruktur
[*] cpr_sidestruktur_uk
[*] cpr_sidestruktur_uk_wt1copy
[*] cpr_sidestruktur_wt1copy
[*] cps_wt1copy
[*] cvk
[*] designguide
[*] designguide_wt1copy
[*] detnyedanmark
[*] detnyedanmark_wt1copy
[*] im
[*] im_stikord_dk
[*] im_stikord_dk_wt1copy
[*] im_wt1copy
[*] IMTelefonbog_wt1copy
[*] IMTeleionbog
[*] K2
[*] master
[*] Metatraffic_CPR
[*] Metatraffic_CVK
[*] model
[*] msdb
[*] NL_Letters_Graamappe
[*] NL_Letters_Gulmappe
[*] NL_Letters_Gulmappe_wt1copy
[*] NL_Subscribers_Graamappe
[*] NL_Subscribers_Gulmappe
[*] NL_Types_Graamappe
[*] NL_Types_Graaqappe_wt1copy
[*] NL_Types_Gulmappe
[*] NL_Types_Gulmappe_wt1copy
[*] RbonnementsTyper_im_uk
[*] sidestruktur
[*] sidestruktur_graa
[*] sidestruktur_qraa_wt1copy
[*] sidestruktur_uk_wt1copy
[*] sidestruktur_wt1copy
[*] sum
[*] sum_sidestruktur_dk
[*] sum_sidestruktur_uk
[*] sum_wt1cppy
[*] tempdb
[*] vote_cpr
[*] vote_im
[*] vote_webtop
[*] WebTLF
[*] webtop
[*] WebtopONEASPNet_wt1copy
[*] WebtopONEASPQet
[*] WT1ResourceDB
[*] WTSearch

But that's not all we got for you today. We took the time and rooted several danish white hat *** and intelligence agencies who think they can play games with us and placed rootkits on their poorly protected boxes. We never know when we have to visit them next time, and neither do they.

We dont want to spoil all the lulz for them of finding the infected boxes, but just to show you we are not talking bullshit like most of the politicians and intel fagz we bring you Atea A/S on a silverplate.

A little background before we flush their sorry ass out in the toilet.
The last couple of months the danish government has declared cyberwar and have turned some of our own against us and used the media to spin stories about hackers being able to attack water treatment plants but heres a fun fact. Atea in Denmark has IT Security on their product portfolio and one of their clients is, yes you might already have guessed it - A water treatment plant.

Now before you all shit in your pants, don't worry hopefully their products won't be as bad as their own security, or will it? We will let you decide.

We are not being called everything from script kiddies, to terrorists from the people that you pay money to protect your information and your water supply.

As you might have noticed in this leak there is no citizen information leaked, and there is a reason for this. We are not against you, we do what is necessary, before someone else with bad intentions do the same and destroy your privacy.

This is a warning be aware of false flag operations from intelligence agencies.

OS: Windows 2008 | Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows
ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.2.17
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008

atea.dk mail is handled by 10 cluster5.eu.messagelabs.com.
atea.dk mail is handled by 20 cluster5a.eu.messagelabs.com.
|_http-title: Specialister i it-infrastruktur


available databases [13]:
[*] DKCRM_ReportServer
[*] DKCRM_RiportServerTempDB
[*] DKCRM_Server2011_MSCRM
[*] DKCRM_Server2011test2_MSCRM
[*] DKCRM_Server2011test_MSCRM
[*] importDB
[*] master
[*] model
[*] msdb
[*] OdeumAteaDk
[*] OdeumDmsaveDK
[*] tempdb

Connected to www.atea.dk.
Escape character is '^]'.
Host: www.atea.dk
Content-Length: 35

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 04:19:10 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0

Fail SSL oh shit guys better check how much we got from your VPN. What they think right now "I knew we should have used a real ssl certificate. I'm so gonna get fired for this"

We are Anonymous
We are legion
United as one, divided by zero
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

Join the cause at webchat.voxanon.org channel #anondk

I guess it proves a point, I think anon REALLY did them a favor.

Messages In This Thread
Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Fillehh - 11-05-2012, 10:59 AM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Verenikin - 11-05-2012, 04:02 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by GRiiM - 11-05-2012, 05:10 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Aarontheshirt - 11-05-2012, 06:30 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by GRiiM - 11-05-2012, 07:58 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Fillehh - 11-05-2012, 07:49 PM
RE: Happy 5th of November (Guy Fawkes night) - by Warior135 - 11-06-2012, 06:10 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Killjoy - 11-05-2012, 11:01 AM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Fillehh - 11-05-2012, 11:02 AM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Jamie - 11-05-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Foxy The Pirate - 11-05-2012, 11:40 AM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by GRiiM - 11-05-2012, 12:00 PM
RE: Happy Guy Fawkes night! - by Foxy The Pirate - 11-05-2012, 12:06 PM
the 5th of novemeber - by Cherryberry - 11-05-2012, 02:21 PM

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