Epic RP GunBattle - Happened In Game
This evening. I was driving around with a SS agent around the camping area when a Golf crashed into me. I thought it was just a random dude that was terrible at driving. I was wrong. One man got out with a M4 and started firing at my car. This is when i realized he was a Corleone. I drove round a bend and the SS agent told me to stop and turn around. As anyone IRL would i obeyed the higher authority. I now think he wished he didn't. He got out of my car and started to run towards the now crashed Golf. I turned round and rammed into the side of the golf, disabling it from moving any further. I got out and locked my car. From then, all i could hear was deafening gunshots.
The Corleone had started to shoot at the SS agent. What i saw next was horrifying. Blood splattered on the ground followed by a dropping dead body of the SS agent. I didn't have any time to react to save the man. Nevertheless, before i got the same treatment i pulled out my weapon and gave the Corleone a bullet to the face. Then, the don appeared from nowhere and i dived for cover behind my car. By this time, the driver of the golf was moving around in panic, and for some reason, was cheering me on to kill the Don. After a round of suppressing Deagle fire, I lunged around the cars and went full auto on the Don. Unluckily he survived and was taking cover elsewhere. After about one minute of constant gunfire i tried again and sprinted over to the Don. I went full auto on the Don. This time with success. Killing him on sight.
After the adrenalin rush. I returned back to my car and was off to report this matter to the president. Unfortunately the server crashed when i was about to park my car outside the nexus.
If anyone asks. I wasn't breaking Fear RP because i knew if i ran back to my car i would of been shot. Thanks for reading this story and i hope more things of this level of excitement happen to me soon! (This is mainly why i like RP servers).

Have a nice day! Cheese
Kind Regards,

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Epic RP GunBattle - Happened In Game - by Link - 11-04-2012, 05:32 PM

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