What do you think of Global Warming?
Yes, it is more devastating to us than the Earth but like I said it depends on the 'rate' at which the climate changes. Wouldn't it be logical to say that the faster it changes the less chance species have to adapt which would mean the higher chance of extinction? CO2 is being released at 'HUGE' rates and the estimation is 1 degree Celsius ever 100 years, that is incredibly fast! Humans may die out, who cares? Well, we do, we all do. Secretly, but no one shows it. Like I said its all about 'Here and Now!' not what life will be like in 50 years time. In fact, my guess is in 50 years time there will be no such thing as plastic, it requires fossil fuels to make, that will be gone. Electricity? That will go. Possibly. Air Travel? Gone. Trade? Back to the time when it took ages to get across the oceans, Economical impact? HUGE.

The above is all speculation, I don't know for sure. But to me seems likely. I want to be alive when this happens, to laugh at all the morons who kept thinking 'Oh don't worry' or 'It will be fine when it happens'. NO! It won't, It SHOULDN'T, It should be devastating. Perhaps?

Climate change is real. FACT. Is it a major problem? Not Known. Can we do much? Not really, seeing how ignorant people are. I don't believe cars and transportation are issues. All of the 'Environmentalists' or 'Green people' Piss me off. Need a third runway at Heathrow? Who cares, what is it going to do? Nothing. Remove houses whom of which most of the people are probably on Welfare, Will it affect the Environment? Possibly, but why would we care? We damage it enough each day, what will an extra runway do?

See where the arguments can come from? I don't wish to begin a full scale war, if you like, but the future seems dark...

Possible Earth:


Messages In This Thread
What do you think of Global Warming? - by aviator - 10-25-2012, 04:38 PM
RE: What do you think of Global Warming? - by aviator - 10-26-2012, 04:13 PM

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