[Pas/Agr]E.M.P Evocity Military Personnel [CLOSED]

This Clan is Recruiting new Personnel,if you'd like to join our cause here is what you'll be involved in:


With the Current Clans there may be a War(Only if there is a RP Situation)so all Personnel must be equipped with the correct Equipment such as:Rifles,Pistols,shotguns,Knives,Crowbars and Snipers.

You will need to pick a Primary:Rifles,Shotguns or Snipers.

You will also need to pick a Secondary and a Melee:A pistol(Deagles cause too much recoil so they're not Recommended) and for Melee: A knife or Crowbar.


The Missions you'll be involved in are very dangerous and include:Assassinations(On Rebel Leaders and Don's for a RP Reason and to be oredered by the president),Going to War,Spying and Theivery of Intel and highly destructive weapons(Only if a RP is made of these types of weapons and to be used to destroy Evocity)


This Clan's rules must be followed if they are broken you may be kicked out.
If anyone in this Clan break's the Fearless Rules it could shut down this Clan.
Anyone who wishes to join fill in a application on this Thread as layed below:

Steam Name
Steam ID
RP Points
Hours Played
What will you bring to E.M.P
Why you think you can get this job
Activity on the Server
Ingame Name

Clan Details

This Clan is a ArmyRP Clan and is part of the Government.The president can give this Clan Orders such as:Assassination of the Rebel Leader or Don Corleone(For RP Reasons ONLY!),To Help out the fellow Officers and SS,To help fend off a Raid and to keep the president out of harms way.

Note: If anyone does break rules that could get this Clan shutdown WILL be kicked out of the Clan Immediately unless they can convice the Owners that it was an accident.



I almost forgot we will also have to perform kidnaps and for that we'll neethd Tranquilizer Sniper.


In this Clan there will be regular Training Drills so be prepared for hard work.In the drills we will have targets,Sprinting Tracks and we will also have a car track made out of cones to ensure that if they are hit they fall over.

Messages In This Thread
[Pas/Agr]E.M.P Evocity Military Personnel [CLOSED] - by MattyG56 - 10-19-2012, 01:29 PM

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