Weapon Unblacklist Request for [FL:RP] Dan da Man [EasytoPMme]
Name:[FL:RP] Dan da Man [EasytoPMme]


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:48698249

Admin who blacklisted you: [FL] PrivateToast

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:Hello, the reason I think I should be unblacklisted are the following:
Being unable to use weapons restricts me from a few jobs, not only this, but im a donator, obviously donator's aren't immune to being banned/blacklisted, but that is not my point, I only had donator for 4/5 days at the time, I miss playing this server, My friend did not get banned and he plays it all the time now, and we talk about it all the time even though I can't play it. I miss all the good times I had on this server, I rarely ever broke rules, and reported all I could to admins/mods. I would never break a rule again, I hope I get unblacklisted, I lernt my lesson being blacklisted for over as month at this stage, and banned 2 weeks, Now I really want to play, But without weapons, I can hardly use any jobs, I hope that you would atleast shorten this blacklist, I respect all admins opinions, wether denied, or accepted, I never will break rules again, I even did 'nt want to use this hack, because it was an accident, I had everything disabled, I tried my best to enchance roleplay in this community, and will promise to try even better, I will never again break a rule, and if so, will face ban or punishment with maturity, as I have here, will not: rage, spam or anything like this, as I am mature, and have respect for the admins and the community, thanks for taking the time to read this, it means alot to me, I hope you have a nice, peaceful day, and again, thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Weapon Unblacklist Request for [FL:RP] Dan da Man [EasytoPMme] - by Danielw12cool - 10-07-2012, 11:54 AM

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