[Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation [CLOSED]

Spoiler :
(09-02-2012, 08:02 PM)Knazzbollen Wrote: im leaving this clan becase im focusing on my Tactical Realism Millism unit focusing on a BF2 mod, i have the rank of Staff Stg, that means that i have to handle all the practice and Basic Combat Tranings* (BCT)

Hope you have understanding for this and ill see ya somtime

[Image: dialogno.png]

Daily News of Umbrella Corporation:
- Knazzbollen become ex-member of Umbrella Corporation (leave) !

(09-02-2012, 06:46 PM)UnholyGamer Wrote: Out of Character Information

Steam Name:

[FL:RP] UnholyGamer

Steam ID:


How many hours do you have on the servers?:

218 hours

Real Age:


How many bans do you have?:

2 from my brother when I was on holiday

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

I have lost a arm when was in the cold war in a mine explosion, so that shows I have had weapons training and know how to handle my self in a combat situation, also I can survive of small rations of food for weeks etc

First Name:








Date of Birth:



5 Cub Lane, EvoCity, EvoCountry, PT5 8SD

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Umbrella Corporation?:

I have seen many people in this clan and it looks powerful as I see you everywhere, like Generation is normally president with fair laws and just see twister being SS or driving around

Why should Umbrella Corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?:

In a fight I would stay fighting till the death unlike someone else who may flee from the battle thinking they will possibly be the smarter person, but someone may get the when they run from cover. Also if you pick me I will be very loyal and NEVER betray another fellow member or friendly clan member.

What division are you applying for?:

Possibly Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service, but you can put me in any of the division's that need people in, but the one I said would be great.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:

Like I said in my character information I have good weapons training and can use it good if I'm given the right weapon at the right time, for example on v2d using a sniper for raiding the UM at first from long range, then having like a m4 to sweep the UM when we get in, then use something like a mp5 for attacking the hut at the back.

[Image: button_accept-c4a0f.png]
Daily News of Umbrella Corporation:
Application Approved: Your Application has been approved! Welcome to Umbrella Corporation! Don't forget to add on Steam™ : [FL:RP] FR Generation20
Notes : 30 Days Trial Period

Umbrella Corporation - U.B.C.S. Security Guard

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation - by Twister - 09-02-2012, 09:29 PM

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