[Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation [CLOSED]
Your Steam Name : [FL:RP]snakefall

Your Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:42990386

Your InGame Name : snakefall N. illuminate

Your Real Age : 14

How many hours did you spent on the server : 74 Hours

Your Ban History : i was banned 3 times

NORMAL INFORMATION___________________________________
Why are you applying for Umbrella Corporation?: umbrella seems to be an interesting clan! i was very interested when i saw the ranks,medals,etc

Why should Umbrella Corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: i am a good RPer i ve got well prepared arsenal im really good in tactics and i have some "on field" experience + i got some audio editing talents.

What division are you applying for?: U.B.C.S

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: i did a lot of on field infiltration and some rapid interventions otherwise i am very usefull as a support bakup

IN-CHARACTER INFORMATION_____________________________

First Name: snakefall

Surname: illuminate

Age: 25

Nationality: unknown probably american

Date of Birth: unknown

Address: no official adress

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation - by snakefall - 09-02-2012, 11:15 AM

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