Best SourceMod game
I think The Citizen is my best one
This is the link, and the website has loads of other mods

"The Citizen is set parallel to the events of the original Half-Life 2.

The player takes the role of an ordinary man, pushed over the edge by the oppressive regime controlling his life.

His home trashed, his family dead, The Citizen leaves his apartment for the last time. He seeks new friends, and a way to help the human resistance to smash the iron grip of the Combine. What follows is a winding tale of betrayal, determination and grief.

Many obstacles lie in his path which require a sleek combination of agility, stealth, intelligence, and sheer violence to overcome."

I know one source game which i dont think has come out yet but i know its gonna be awsome, its a remake of Half Life 1 but in better graphics, and more. it's called Black Mesa, if it has come out please give me link
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Messages In This Thread
Best SourceMod game - by SeductivePotato - 08-31-2012, 09:36 PM
RE: Best SourceMod game - by Dr Tomorrow - 08-31-2012, 11:52 PM
RE: Best SourceMod game - by Flame - 09-01-2012, 12:08 AM
RE: Best SourceMod game - by Dr Tomorrow - 09-01-2012, 12:12 AM

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