Agent Soapy's unban request
Your name: xSoapyHD

Your ban ID: 14046

Banned by: [FL] Grub

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: I didn't pick up his name as it was an accident.

Why we should unban you: So i was a police officer patrolling the city. The president radio'd in "All available units to my office an attack is taking place." I quickly ran towards the Nexus, When i got there i pushed the door open and a guy was lying sleeping on the floor, As i attempted to jump over him it glitched/lagged and i landed on him. (I know this might of looked like i jumped on him but i can assure you it was not unpurpose) I did say sorry and explain myself but nobody listened.

Thanks -Soapy
-Soapy (:

Messages In This Thread
Agent Soapy's unban request - by Agent Soapy - 08-23-2012, 08:54 PM
RE: Agent Soapy's unban request - by Grub - 08-24-2012, 05:24 AM
RE: Agent Soapy's unban request - by Grub - 08-24-2012, 11:15 PM

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