Joey Skylynx's Unban Request
Your name: Joey Skylynx

Your ban ID: 12676

Banned by: Zzzzap

Server: All

Involved: Roughly twenty players rioting.

Why we should unban you:
First off, what I was banned for and why it's incorrect...
I was banned for the following: Random raid, Fail RP, Public building, 13 prior bans
Now at the period of time I was using my hobotower[which has been approved by several admins before] as a Projekt Housing complex behind BP. I was offering this complex as a safe haven for players who didn't want to truly sit around contrafarming and would of preferred to just lay back and have some good times. While I was running this complex one of the locals began to start fights with Police Officers around the city by punching them and running into the tower. This wasn't an issue for awhile, considering most of the officers he attacked would usually just come an arrest him. One of his punches though managed to kill an officer, and the officers thought he had a weapon, and sent the entire police force to capture or kill him.
The story fully started for me while I was walking back from BP, and heard gunshots at the hobotower, and found out that several officers were revenge killing several hobos. I managed to get them to move away, but the damage had already been done. Several hobos were either wounded or dead... Outrage had sparked within the tower, and many of the hobos began demanding that the president give reparations for the damage dealt to the hobo community and that certain officer would be demoted for murder.
The President refused to answer any of these calls and in response several hobos took to the streets and began protesting, blocking traffic, and in general being disorderly. For the most part the cops would step in and arrest several hobos at once almost stopping the protest at points, but a gundealer[whos name I can't remember] contacted me and said he would arm the hobos for revolution. I accepted the offer, and he dropped a shipment of roughly 20 AK-47's and 10 Crowbars at the Hobo Tower, from which every hobo armed themselves and took to the streets firing off AK-47's and flinging crowbars around.
Many adverts popped up stating that the Hobo Revolution had started, and the president was actually daring us to raid the Nexus. Even though it was mostly angered civilians shooting guns off we had a few players going around with molotovs and taking advantage of the riots to go set fire to shops/cars. None of which I had control over.
The riot slowed down when Zzzap demanded that the hobos put away their firearms[or atleast stop firing into the sky and stop chanting 'ak47s for everyone'] but it still kept going with several hobos now joining the people burning shops by throwing beer bottles and boots at shop owners and cops. One shop which had a security contract with FUMUKU was spared from any hobos which were attempting to attack the shop-keep.
It wasn't shortly after the riot had ended that I was banned for apparently Raiding(did not do), Public Building(was never told to delete), Fail RP(we were rioting with a reason), 13 Prior Bans(actually 11... not accounting for rules which don't exist anymore which would bring it too about 7 or 8)
I never raided during this entire period and never was involved with setting fire to shops around the city. I stayed in the gas station area firing off an AK-47 chanting simply 'Ak47s for everyone!' 'Crowbars for everyone!' 'Hobo Revolution!' like many other users in the nearby area.
I simply don't understand why I'm banned for protesting/rioting after my housing area was violently attacked.

Messages In This Thread
Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Joey Skylynx - 08-19-2012, 03:55 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-19-2012, 06:49 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Ruxandra - 08-19-2012, 11:45 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-21-2012, 11:54 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-19-2012, 04:48 PM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-22-2012, 12:25 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Faustie - 08-22-2012, 12:36 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-22-2012, 02:10 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Slick Rick - 08-22-2012, 02:32 AM
RE: Joey Skylynx's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 08-22-2012, 04:30 PM

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