Philip Omnis
Your name: Philip Omnis
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:12305386
Banning Admin: FallenAlex
Ban Length: 60 minutes (Apparently, no notification for me.)
Reason for the ban: Breaking NLR.
Why we should unban you: It was a misunderstanding. Three men invaded the Nexus, after blasting their way out (Killing me and the other on-duty officer) we both respawn in the lobby. One proceedes to run downstairs, we all fire from both sides (This is a legitimate reason to fire as they're holding a gun, behind the desk and theoretically speaking we would know if they were invading the Nexus) and they make a run for the car park.

My partner opens fire from the desk while I make a dash for the other exit, they make a run for it and I continue to open fire, we cut a corner and they run inside the bank, someone who looks -exactly- the same is standing outside (They blatantly used them as a distraction) we fire at them, the -real- guy runs out and we fire at them, then we both get banned. As I said, a misunderstanding.

TL : DR? (Just incase you're busy)

FallenAlex believed we were NLR-breaking to kill a raider, however the raider made themselves recognised on respawn before leaving.

Cheers for reading.

Messages In This Thread
Philip Omnis - by Philip Omnis - 01-03-2011, 10:09 AM
RE: Philip Omnis - by Fallen - 01-03-2011, 10:31 AM

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