2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP
Your name: Joey Skylynx

Your ban ID: 10978

Banned by: Killjoy

Server: All of them.

Few others from SS/Police

Why we should unban you:

Why we should unban you:
First Unban Wrote:As far as I was told by Soul, I was banned on the grounds that I was Random Raiding, Fail RP'ing, and once again... My ban was added ontop of 12 Previous Bans.
My knowledge of what had happened:
In my greater understanding of why I was banned.. I was banned for performing an anti-contrabase tactic in which I befriend a player and act as a dog or cat.
The player usually knows that I'm still a human, but the other members of the contrafort go, "OH HE'S A DOG" and let me in. Once I'm inside I'll occasionally do things to gain trust. Sometimes hiring a sniper to do mock-shots while I call out the sniper position, telling them when their contra prints, and giving them food and such.
Notice the key here? I'm telling them things as a human being... While acting as a dog.
Now during these periods I'm usually gathering intel for FUMUKU Security, PD/SS, or someone which hires me. Some missions I do can take hours, and usually contain some serious RP while gathering evidence for the people hiring/working with me.

In the case of what I got banned for... I RP'ed a 'Dog Entity' named Lil Motz, and got into Prostos contra base.
After gathering enough evidence on Prosto and reporting everything to the Police/SS... We made our move. The SS/Police began at the gate, and I opened the doors letting them in, and they arrested Prosto and destroyed his contra. When getting ready to leave Beflok teleported to me, and brought Prosto and asked why I random raided, and such. He had to go though for some RL Troubles, and the situation went cold for roughly two hours - three hours. He never came back and talked to me on the matter and I only found out I was banned when I looked at the banned list.

What is wrong with my 'Dog RP'? Wrote:My recent ban for 1 Month and five days was do to "12 priors, FailRP, random raiding, ignoring admins" with the Fail RP being a 'dog entity' RP in which I befriended a contrafarmer and got into his base. From there I took snapshots of the contrafarmers contra, and reported it to the police. When the police arrived at the building he opened the doors, and allowed the SS/Police to come through the 1st door[he had two gates], and then let go of his button and bolted away. When he stopped to probably equip a gun I came behind him and hostage roped him. Afterward I walked up to the gate, and let the SS in to arrest him.

Make note: I never announced I wasn't human. If you actually look at the first image my job clearly states 'dog entity' this practically nullifies any argument stating, 'your confusing players'

Nudel's reply to my thread pretty much stated, "You were a dog. Case closed." now note in any of my posts regarding this whole fiasco... Never have I stated, "I wore a suit" "I wore facepaint" or "I was a dog"
CTRL+F if you want. I've never said anything about dressing up as a dog. Never. If I have correct me, but for the most part all I've done is walk around RP'ing your standard Tinfoil Hat Methhead.

Also Nudel, I really never did reply to:
Quote:Point is, you can't roleplay a dog and on the other hand be an informant for the Police, that is completely impossible.

Just think outside the box.
Now if I were to do some really sophisticated sewious rp, I would take control of the government and make a secret program which resembles the Acoustic Kitty Program from the 1960's. First off, I would hire groups/clans such as FUMUKU or SAA to do Stray Dog or Stray Cat RP. Once they are out on the streets, I would state over '/broadcast' that the Government is hiring an Animal Catcher to deal with all the stray animals. After all the animals are captured I would bring them into the medical labs and have them implemented with hearing and visual augmentations which transfer live-feeds to the Nexus.
Most of the messages would come back as:
I would also have the animals hooked up with a small canister inside of their nose which would spray a cocktail mixture of hormones and rabies causing them to go mentally insane and attack their owners on the command of the Nexus.
Once all these augmentations are added to the pets, the same medical staff which augmented them would open up the Evocity Humane Society. After the 'Humane Society' is set up, the animals will be slowly adopted off to homeowners around the city, and in some cases contrafarmers.
If a contrafarmer adopts the animal, the animal will form a bond with the contrafarmer and continue to progress a relationship of sorts. After a given period of time the Police Department and SS will get keypad codes, images of contra, and learn of other convicts which work with the contrafarmer.
Once the information is gathered, the SS/Police will be sent to deal with the contrafarms, but first they'll initiate the cocktail inside the animal within the contrafort. This will cause the animal to go mad, and start attacking people inside the contrafort causing mass damage within the defenses and possibly damaging morale. The SS/Police will then slam through the property with ease and destory the contrafarm and possibly kill the raging pet if it's still alive.
After about two to three pets the Humane Society will be closed down for rabies infestation, and the Police will be dispatched in a Gestapo-esque arrest system where they'll hunt down people involved with the contrafarms and move them into labor camps.

Thats how I would do it. But straying from the point... Can I please be unbanned now?

Messages In This Thread
2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Joey Skylynx - 07-02-2012, 12:19 PM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Killjoy - 07-02-2012, 01:13 PM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Joey Skylynx - 07-03-2012, 11:07 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by SoulRipper - 07-03-2012, 10:32 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Killjoy - 07-03-2012, 11:21 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Joey Skylynx - 07-03-2012, 11:28 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Killjoy - 07-03-2012, 11:46 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Joey Skylynx - 07-03-2012, 12:17 PM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Killjoy - 07-03-2012, 01:49 PM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Joey Skylynx - 07-04-2012, 02:50 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Aoixification - 07-04-2012, 03:27 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Prosto - 07-07-2012, 10:42 AM
RE: 2nd Attempt: 'Dog' RP - by Killjoy - 07-11-2012, 08:25 AM

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