Banned without given a chance to explain
Your name: CityFriedChicken

Your ban ID: 11575

Banned by: WorldWideCoffee

Server: v2d

Involved: Me, NoobSaibot (or something like that.)

Why we should unban you: According to WorldWideCoffee I was banned for "RDM x2".

This is just flat out wrong. I only killed one person, and it was by no means random. I killed this 'NoobSailbot' (I don't quite recall the exact name) because of an earlier encounter I had with him.

I was the BMD, and I saw him so I asked him if he would like to purchase some cocaine (this was all done using our mics). He said no, but he would like to take my job. So I said he could for $3000. He told me to kill myself. Then he walked away.

This pissed me (or my character) off, so I went behind a building and pulled out a gun and then walked up to him. He was with a couple of other guys so I decided to wait until he was alone. Anyways, some guy comes and cdms this guys friends, so I conveniently take out my gun and shoot him right there.

I then run away and within 5 seconds I was banned. I wasn't taken aside by the admin and questioned. Just banned. I really find this unfair, because I was RPing very appropriately. It's actually pretty terrible RP to let players begin to get the idea that they can just go around telling people to "kill themselves" without expecting any repercussions.

I understand that my ban is under 24 hours, but I really want this ban cleared from my record. Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Banned without given a chance to explain - by Le Seul Tetraplegique - 06-25-2012, 06:18 AM

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