What genre do you dislike the most... and why?
(06-15-2012, 04:54 PM)VallyTeacake Wrote: dubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstepdubstep

I don't even how it's music, it just sounds like an autotuned dial up tone on loop.

Music is defined different by different people. Music has different meaning in every person’s life. We know, to many of the musicians music is their life. They love music than everything in their life. They eat, breathe, and live music. Music is their passion. For many others, music is a hobby, a pastime. Music is something that arouses interest and is enjoyable. so far it seems to me that the question ‘What is music?’ which does not have a fixed meaning, since though music can be defined in mechanistic terms as just feelings that are detected by the organ of Corti and assimilated by the brain’s cortex into what we hear, but that is not complete.

I like dubstep because of the syncopated rhythms in it. And true dubstep has unconventional timings that make it different and obscure. But the best part of dubstep is the filthy, nasty slow attacking low frequency oscillations. Probably the most powerful music on amazing subs. Dubstep gets me pumped up and is killer to rage to.That is why Dubstep is MUSIC!!!
[Image: coffeejr.png]

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RE: What genre do you dislike the most... and why? - by Coffee Jr - 06-15-2012, 07:27 PM

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