What genre do you dislike the most... and why?
Not to incite any anger, but it's gotta be Metal for me. I like a bit of metal (some Symphonic metal stuff mostly,) and I love Grunge (which is apparently a type of alternative metal(?)) but everything else goes completely over my head. I like Symphonic metal, because the heaviness of the guitars and sound is usually taken as a contrasting and/or ironic edge against the softness of the "symphonic" part of it, but otherwise, that same heaviness usually turns me right around and out the door. And it doesn't help that the general aesthetic doesn't do it for me, especially when the more ridiculous lyrical and visual aesthetics are taken 100% seriously.

I'll come out to defend what's likely the 3 most hated genres of Rap, Pop, and Country (in that order, I'm guessing.)
While Rap does have a pretty rotten half, the other half offers pretty unlimited creativity in lyrical content. And hip-hop in general can be incredibly varied, while keeping the common stylistic elements of hip-hop. You can make music with just about any feel or theme, which is what happens.
With Pop (and rock-pop, etc,) I'll defend that it accomplishes its task of being catchy. Something is needed that everyone will be able to move to from the background, and pop's necessarily got the kind of beat and lyrics that at least clicks with everyone. I'd also love it if people didn't go crazy over pop artists, but that's more an issue with the "community base" than the genre in itself.
And Country's actually something that I kinda love. Just the general feel of the music clicks with me, if not the refreshing change it offers from other stuff. I could see why someone would not like it, but I don't really see how anyone could *hate* it.
[Image: coffeejr.png]

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RE: What genre do you dislike the most... and why? - by Coffee Jr - 06-15-2012, 04:16 PM

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