Seriously What the hell is going on with this game
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FROG55JON STEAM_0:0:25308055


[FL] Zzzzap


I dont know the guys name

(Unban me or refund the money spent on the game, im not going to invest time into a server that does not screen their admin or investigate issues.) e.g "I checked the logs you are lying." so when you checked the logs you did not see the player kill and take my stuff? You did not see how I asked for it back 3 times? "No you are lying."

I have been banned again for bullshit.

Im CDM a player steals my pistol.

I ask for it back 3 times

I rp and burn this store.

I get banned... The Admin claims Im lying,NRL,2x mol??

Seriously the admins need to investigate the problems more (Zzzzap)

The previous to this was the guy firing at me trying to kill me, I turn round and defend myself. FRog banned.

I would like refund for this server, how do I apply for it

Messages In This Thread
Seriously What the hell is going on with this game - by FROG55JON - 06-11-2012, 01:36 PM

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