Game freezes whenever I move my mouse.
Everyone in the above posts is wrong.
I can play Fearless V2 on 1 gig of RAM, even with an ATI card with 512MB's.

Here's a checklist:

1a. The well known graphics card update - Have you upgraded to the recent version?
1b. ATI has a management system (ATI Catalyst Control Center I think) to configure your performance to suit your needs, try and check there.
2. What resolution are you playing? Try setting it to 800x600 and see what happens.
3. What graphics settings are you using? Try lowering all options, especially texture quality, anti-aliasing and shadow quality.
4. Try lowering your sound quality settings.
5. Before playing, open the developer's console and type in cl_updaterate 5 (Default is 30)
6. Are you using a laptop, then hook it up to the power and set your battery power scheme to "High performance"
7. Are you running any intensive processes whilst playing on v2, like Skype, a torrenting program or something? Check that by going to task manager and click processes. Select "Show processes from all users" and click on "memory" in the tab list above. It will sort all processes, see what takes up a lot of space and close it.
8. You can try increasing performance by ending explorer.exe while playing. (To restart it go to "Run..." and type in explorer.)

If you checked all of this, and it's still not fixed. Please PM me and we will work out a solution.
[Image: Fearless.png]
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RE: Game freezes whenever I move my mouse. - by Zealord - 06-09-2012, 02:08 PM

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