Ban request on Nevinator8 and [FL:RP] NightShade
First of all, i reviewed the video again and giggled. Mostly at you.

Here is my Review of your video.

1:06 - Need to do a breathalyzer, even your friend on Voice to Voice was like... wut? At that point you trespass into our forest and get near our Sacred Holy Cube.

1:18 - Randomly confront me with a gun pointed at me, only saying "Get Out", not in any violation due to the flaw on your part of declaring anything except for me to get out, yet besides that i would not really understand due to my lack of similar language. I did make a nice leap though, which led my run from the scary white man who was near me.

1:43 - You cant even see me? I cant see you? How is that even FearRP? Am i afraid of your voice?

1:49 - Sneaking from behind, blow to the head should make you dizzy eh? You then continue the pursuit in the mighty jungle of tribesmen.

2:00 - No, you dont see me. I am perfectly blended in and camoflauged in the cover of trees, yet you still aim that scary looking thing at me, one does not attempt to take on a grizzly bear, yet one must stand still. In this case, i have the advantage of cover and speed and knowledge of the environment.

2:25 - Neviantor8 and Nightshade, both RDMED.. mhmm, we had a proper reason, need me name a few? IC Reasons.

- Trespassing in the Forest as a White Man
- Hurting Us, By aimlessly shooting into the forest most of the time
- Approaching our Holy Sacred Cube
- We were scared and running rampantly through with our sticks.

Now on the other hand, if you looked in OOC/Adverts/Held Tab, you would see we were conducting an RP happily until you intervened apparently for no reason, and led to the violent interactions exchanged, but the video shows no "RDM" unless you do not understand the reasons i stated, and the FearRP which was bypassed by the abundance of Tree cover, and the swiftness i had running through the jungle behind trees and rocks.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request on Nevinator8 and [FL:RP] NightShade - by Nevy - 06-07-2012, 10:30 AM

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