Finally getting a new PC (Well, I hope so)
The SSD is too small. 120GB will leave you with, after windows installs, 100GB or a little less then that. 100GB is not a lot of storage space, I suggest finding a different drive. The point of SSD is to put files you will be using a lot (like the windows operating system and startup files) on them so that your computer runs a little faster. (SSD is very fast) However, they don't have a lot of space. I suggest adding in an additional hard drive, at least 500GB.

The Video card is one generation older then the current one. that is not bad, it is just... well, older. It isn't as good as the newest generation. I currently have a Radeon HD 6770, that is 1 generation or series old, the newest would be 7770. however, it still runs games well. (Ultra quality) the graphics card you have is.. fine, I suppose. It is a little better then my current one; I think you'll be satisfied.

The power supply is an unknown brand. That is bad. It could be a 100% great power supply, however many power supplies from brands like that might not give off the power they say they do due to cheap parts or they could not work completely. however, it does have a 80Plus Bronze, so that is good. I don't know what this is "(85-88% effektiv)". If Effektiv is effective, that could be the power supply will output 85%-88% of the said power (700w) usually. This can bottleneck your system if it is giving the system parts enough power to run, but not enough to run at full efficiency. Plus, it can cause overheat if the fans don't gen enough power. Even though it could be fine, personally I wouldn't build a PC with that power supply.

Everything else is good. It is a good PC. However, I think you should check on that power supply and you NEED another hard drive. If you need any other help, feel free to ask me. If you want to check out a site that you can pick whats in your PC and they build it for you, (Never tried it, heard good things though) here is a site : - Their prices seem good. Like I said, I don't know the credibility of these sites myself, so be careful. Again, if you need anything else just ask. Smile
[Image: kby7oh.jpg]

Thanks Reliqua (:

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RE: Finally getting a new PC (Well, I hope so) - by Ruskin - 06-05-2012, 06:07 PM

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