Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies.
(04-30-2012, 07:00 AM)Iceman Wrote: I have three witnesses. It isn't much but it's all I have now that I am banned. Dylan is one of the cancer crew and is no better then a member of the Hutu rape gangs that tormented innocent civilians in Rwanda back in 1994. Therefore, I cannot really say that anything he says means anything.

As a player, why should it be my job to police the servers? Shouldn't the admins be keeping cancerous tumors like Natecat and his friends off the server?

As I said, witnesses mean jack, and you are just abseloutely bonkers to listen to. It is not your job to police the servers, and guess what, YOU ARENT! You've done Nothing, nil, nada, zip in bringing down "The Cancer", your statements have as much credibility as a homeless person who is screaming "THE END WILL COME SOON" has.

I bid you goodday, sir.

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RE: Horrible RP by NateCat and his abusive buddies. - by Dylan - 04-30-2012, 07:38 AM

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