Steam Name: BOPE_Diner

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53160577

BanID: 84121

Ban Reason
DC to avoid RP situation

Staff Member: Kippsee

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I had to disconnect when a civilian tried to arrest me for no reason and when I called the admin to resolve the problem he just ignored me and let that guy abuse me, no other choice just to disconnect, but when  I came back he brought me (decided to do his job but against me)
H2O called him after so the admin instantly came, but when I called him like 20 min he was busy wow what a coincidence
[Image: xbkdid] [Image: xbkeon] [Image: xbkftd]
Is 24hrs ban, but is not even fair, the admin didn't even listened to me so he just banned me, then I saw he is trial, that's sad.
Sorry for the late reply, this was discussed in great detail on the server and the outcome was a 24 hour ban. Always try and deal with an arrest IC before bringing it OOC, the cop wanted to question you and you thought "it was a waste of time" and therefore left because you were unhappy. I saw your @ call however was working through the list as others also put in a request, never deal with an OOC situation yourself. Be patient and a staff member will hopefully come.


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