PR razor
Name of player: Razor

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59573677

Time in GMT: 6;34 uk time 7:34pm europe time

Server: v5p

Summary: ramming on purpose , ignoring killing fireman while we pulling handbreaks he keeps on using nitro to get through


PS: video ended a bit early but as soon as razor started pushing the van it ended up in a traffic sign collusion, so also another kill wit his vehicle + ramming on purpose
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:56218145&b=2]
I was a witness to the Event, I can confirm that the player gave little sympathy towards the death of the Fireman and simply continued to drive. He was also playing music through his mic however that never appeared in the video. I did attempt the warn the player of his actions too but he ignored both of us.

Concluding notes

Vehicles were being pushed left right and centre, if I'm honest every vehicle shown on the video apart from the fire engine should be punished for the miss-use of their vehicle during that situation. You all should have stopped your vehicle and attempted to get help for the fire man.

As for having no regard for his death, it doesn't seem like Razor, the Transit van or yourself had any concern for the death of the fireman. I'm not willing to punish one user and nobody else due to insufficient evidence proving who the other users were, so I will not process this any further. Take this as an official warning to all involved.

Closed & Moved.

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