PR on PvtMcNuggets
Name of player: PvtMcNuggets

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32774890

Time in GMT: 12:40 GMT

Server: v4b1

Summary: Well he Knocks on my door after a opend and stand in my doorway he asked my to move out of my doorway and a asked why then he tranqulized me for no reason while a was tranqed a walked in my house and after a fell from the tranq, he got his hostage rope out and roped my hands together also whitout a vailed reason.

Evidence: Video

Spoiler :

[Image: gY6iHHj.png]

If i did help you in anyway, please consider +Reping me
If you need Fearless Conntent. Look no further
Boy, you told my friends to "fuck off or else". No one messes with the Bratva. Because of this, I was going to search your house and take you hostage. Besides, you were breaking FearRP in that same video by not listening to my orders. Also, you should know that I don't have to give you any RP reason unless asked to do so by an admin. In conclusion, you are the one who fucked up by breaking FearRP, not me, and I was perfectly justified.
I told no one to fuck off, any proof cause a can´t rember that a ever sad something.
[Image: gY6iHHj.png]

If i did help you in anyway, please consider +Reping me
If you need Fearless Conntent. Look no further
The raiding person is not needed to inform you about the reason. Only if an admin requests the reason he is obligated to inform about it.

As for you TimmyTV I'll quote from our rules following:
If you believe that something is against the rules, you should still RP along, and just call an admin using @. Don’t try and stop the RP by saying that this is breaking the rules.

As there is no proof of the action and conversation in the doorway there is nothing I can do. Neither did I found the claimed "threat" or any form of RDM this PR is denied.

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