Please, unban me, im sorry for what i did. (farmer bob)
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 8517

Banned by: Killjoy


Involved: Me,Killjoy,Beflok and Caroline

Why we should unban you: Ok, i deserve a ban, maybe a week or so, but not a perm, i am sorry for the proppushing, and propkilling of caroline and building in nexus But. I swear on my life and soul, I do NOT Work with DDOS'rs, i have never worked with them, and never shall. Please unban me, when i said: " i will tell you name of a ddoser " i was not saying i worked with them, i was told the name by a freind , (hes not a ddoser ) and the ddoser went by the name of pro crasher, and has multiple steam accounts, the only one i knew was adam009, he deleteted that one though, but each account he has starts woth "adam" and finishes with a number. Please unban me!.
well i am bobs friend and i dont think him tell telling a admin about a ddoser and a admin banns him instantly the admin should really just ask him how do you know he is a ddoser ok atleast let it be shorter because he he did proppush and propkill ok at least for 5 days
please me and him love to rp

Thank you for reading this
It's obvious that if you have good intentions on your mind and you know anything of the attacks you share that information, not go about "If you don't ban me, I can give you information about the DDoS attacks."
He said his friend told him bann his friend not him
I know what I saw.
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player farmer bob, STEAM_0:0:31625942 will stand as issued.
Please note that we are not going to tolerate people with your behavior on our servers, especially not if they are affiliated with DDoSers.

[FL] Nudelholz
Server Administrative Team
Dare to think!

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