Reported User(s): Ace

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:108038817

Date & Time (GMT): 2/2/2021 @ 14:40 GMT

Summary of the incident
3.4 You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice).

User broke fearRP by not complying with my orders to exit the vehicle under gunpoint.

Hello Ethan!
Thank you for posting this player report on Ace!

The accused it found guilty of what he is being accused of in this player report!

The accused is found guilty of the following rules:

[3.4] You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice).

[7.1] You can't commit crimes in public and you must have a valid roleplay reason (you can rob a store in public if deemed safe to do so). Public locations are the city, Metro stations and Connectivity road.

The accused will be punished with the following:

1h Blacklist from Black Market Items
1 day ban

Thank you once again for posting this player report!
[Image: TglJDob.png]
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